Thoughts on Bitcoin Block Size Economics
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Thoughts on Bitcoin Block Size Economics

THELOGICALINDIAN - In October of 2025 Gavin Andresen sparked a communitywide agitation over the approaching of the hardcoded 1 MB sizecap on Bitcoin blocks Andresen proposed a change to the Bitcoin agreement that would apparatus an upwardscaling block admeasurement absolute necessitating a hardfork of the blockchain

Many bodies against this abstraction — mainly on bread-and-butter grounds. They argued that a consistently accretion block admeasurement absolute would accomplish the accumulation of block-space far outstrip the appeal for transactions, which would abundantly abate transaction fees. Falling transaction fees would become a astringent botheration already the best Bitcoin accumulation had been mined, back the alone actual allurement for miners to advocate the arrangement would be those fees. Falling fees would accomplish mining unprofitable, banishment miners to shut bottomward their rigs, thereby jeopardizing the aegis of the Bitcoin network.

Gavin responded to these arguments in a column on the Bitcoin Foundation’s blog ten days after his antecedent proposal. However, the agitation did not go abundant further than that, as added account pushed the block admeasurement absolute affair aside.

A few months later, in January of 2015, Andresen somewhat active the altercation by announcement the after-effects of a 20 MB block admeasurement test on his claimed blog. Gavin appear that his analysis was an all-embracing success, and that he saw no acumen why the arrangement could not handle an added block size. Despite the abstruse success of Andresen’s test, detractors say that adopting the block admeasurement absolute will still be an bread-and-butter failure.

I disagree with the bread-and-butter arguments adjoin adopting the block admeasurement limit, because arrangement aegis cannot be afflicted by the block admeasurement absolute in any allusive way. Mining absorption occurs both back the assortment amount grows and declines, acceptation that arrangement aegis is not an affair of Bitcoin mining profitability. Hopefully, the afterward bread-and-butter assay will abundantly abutment my argument, as able-bodied as bright up the abashing present in this debate.

Bitcoin Miners Will Not Let Transaction Fees Fall to an Unprofitable Level

There are two important characteristics about Bitcoin mining that will anticipate fees from falling to an barren akin with a ample block size. Bitcoin miners are human, which makes them rational and bread-and-butter actors, and they accept the adeptness to accept the admeasurement of the blocks they mine.

Therefore, if an access in the block admeasurement cap creates a surplus of block-space, and transaction fees alpha to fall, Bitcoin miners will artlessly aftermath abate blocks. Block sizes will compress until transaction fees acceleration to a assisting level. These fees will be able turn a accumulation as continued as there is a aerial abundant appeal for transactions, alike if the best block admeasurement is unlimited.

The “Race to the Bottom” Argument Employs Flawed Monopoly Theory

Bitcoin Mining Advantage A abeyant acknowledgment to my aloft point is that miners actuality affected to abatement the admeasurement of their blocks to advance advantage will acquiesce beyond mining firms to aftermath beyond blocks, creating lower fees, which would acquiesce ample firms to booty over the market. Essentially, adopting the block admeasurement absolute will admit a “race to the bottom,” area big miners arresting the shocks of falling fees unfairly advance the little guys out of the game.

This altercation should complete familiar, because anti-market political pundits accept acclimated it as absolution to accurately absolute the admeasurement of business firms for over a century. However, the altercation is based on awry cartel theory.

In reality, there would not be abundant of an allurement for a ample close to attenuate a abate one unless the beyond close knew that it could bigger amuse the bazaar and accompany in added profit. The ample close would be clumsy to attenuate the competition, bend the market, and again accession prices aloft antecedent levels after authoritative any changes in the appurtenances or casework provided. If a business attempted to do such a thing, abate firms would artlessly acknowledgment to the bazaar and action their old, lower prices, demography business abroad from their big competitor.

Many bodies use John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil “monopoly” as a actual archetype of their awry cartel approach in action. Rockefeller would access a new area, action his appurtenances for a lower amount than the competitors, and booty over the market. These bodies say that Standard Oil was actuality “predatory.” As it angry out, though, Rockefeller had artlessly devised a added able way of adorning oil. Standard Oil did not use its arduous admeasurement to “unfairly” force antagonism out, it alone produced the aforementioned articles as the competitors at a lower cost, which assuredly benefitted consumers.

The aforementioned is accurate for Bitcoin mining firms. Barring the accomplishment of appropriate authoritative privileges, ample mining firms will alone be able to advance out baby competitors and accumulate them out as continued as they advance a accurate aggressive advantage, accouterment absolute allowances to the market.

Bitcoin Mining Firms will Grow, But a Block Size Limit Can’t Stop Centralization

Bitcoin Mining ProfitabilityHowever, in commendations to Bitcoin, there is one aspect of the economics of antagonism that is negative. Due to economies of scale, Bitcoin mining firms will abound to an empirically optimal admeasurement — which possibly agency that one close could accretion 51% or more of the network’s hashing power. While a close authoritative 51% of the hashing ability does not actualize any bread-and-butter inefficiencies, it abundantly diminishes the aegis of the Bitcoin network. The authentication of Bitcoin lies in its decentralization, demography that abroad would abolish a ample bulk of the Bitcoin community’s aplomb in the network.

The actuality of the amount is, however, that a cap on the Bitcoin block admeasurement will not stop Bitcoin mining absorption in the slightest. The botheration with mining absorption is not begin in transaction fees, but rather the economies of calibration created by the costs of active Bitcoin mining hardware. Increasing electricity costs makes close alliance added efficient, and those beyond firms are able to allow lower fees, so the smaller, beneath able antagonism gets pushed out of the market. Furthermore, back Bitcoin mining advantage falls, baby miners will accept to shut bottomward their rigs (at atomic until difficulty retargets), while beyond miners adequate the economies of calibration can still calmly abundance at lower acquirement levels. A boilerplate archetype of this abnormality can be begin in the accepted oil amount situation. Smaller, high-cost frackers in the United States are actuality put out of business by low oil prices, while the larger, added able drillers of OPEC are arresting the lower prices with confidence.

Either way, whether mining advantage rises or falls, there will be a addiction appear mining absorption due to economies of scale. Thus, the botheration absolutely has actual little to do with transaction fees and about aggregate to do with mining costs.

So what does all this mean? If a block admeasurement absolute will not stop Bitcoin mining centralization, again what will? Unfortunately, I do not apperceive the acknowledgment to that question. What I do know, though, is that befitting the current Bitcoin block admeasurement absolute will arrest the continued run scalability of the network, while absolutely declining to anticipate mining centralization. The band-aid to arrangement aegis must be begin in some added place.

The alone affair the block admeasurement absolute can do — and was anytime advised to do — is anticipate spam from bloating the blockchain and damaging the network. As the Bitcoin abridgement grows, and added affairs are beatific over the blockchain, the arrangement will be able to handle beyond blocks after agreeable awful spam attacks. Therefore, back because the bread-and-butter arguments I avant-garde in this article, accumulated with Gavin Andresen’s testing, gradually accretion the block admeasurement absolute seems like a safe scalability option.

What do you anticipate about adopting the block admeasurement limit? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Yevgeniy Brikman, “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin,” and The Finance Guy.

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